
Our Philosophy

Nurturing Wellness…making the world brighter, one WHOLE child at a time. At Nurturing Wellness, we know that each child has gifts and strengths, and genuinely believe that “the universe will conspire with us,” to reveal them. 

Nurturing Wellness: Pediatric Integrative Medicine is a pediatric practice committed to optimizing child health through a wholistic model of wellness - focused, healing - oriented care.  It is our mission to help each child reach their full potential with a wholistic and integrative approach. We also offer Telemedicine Services.

Our Commitment

At Nurturing Wellness, we realize how increasingly complex raising children in a rapidly changing world has become, and that more information doesn’t translate into more understanding. We recognize that personal and family priorities are constantly in flux.  We develop personalized plans to optimize health, safety, and wellness for each child and family that take these variable factors into account.  We analyze the most current, evidence - based information and recommendations through our wholistic lens to provide you with expert guidance in a caring and compassionate way.  


I feel fortunate that in my life’s work, my calling, and my true passion, I am able to share in these feelings of gentle amazement and reverence of each child I care for. – Dr. Anderson

Please make sure to use the patient's first and last name, his or her date of birth, and the statement # (PS-#####) located at the top right hand corner of the statement you received.

If there is an issue please reach out to us on the 'Spruce Health' app or give us a call at (701) 490-9596. Our billing department will look into the issue and contact you to discuss it further.

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I would like to express how grateful my family has been for Dr. Anderson's amazing care. Dr. Anderson went out of her way to make sure that we received answers. She even called me during her family's vacation, just to make sure I had peace of mind. She helped make sure we felt supported and I was always so confident in her care. From the first precious moments of our babies lives and into toddlerhood she has been with our family, and I am so forever grateful for her love, care, and support.

Mom and Dad - Bismarck, ND

Dr. Anderson has cared for all three of my girls. Each of the three have had unique health challenges. As a parent, being properly educated on each of their conditions helps ease the anxiety of handling their unique issues as they arise, and Dr. Anderson has equipped us well. Her acute attention to our specific cases has left us feeling like such a priority in her practice, for which we cannot truly express our gratitude.

Kate, Mom of Three Girls - Bismarck, ND

We were in town-moved here while I was six months pregnant with our first. He came early (he was born the day we were supposed to meet Dr. Anderson for the first time) and spent a short period of time in the NICU so when we arrived to see her at her office as first time mom with this tiny baby who held my heart I was nervous. But Dr. Anderson walked into the room with a kind smiling face (as she always has) and talked to us-yes the typical doctor stuff first and once that was done she asked if we had questions and then just sat with us as we talked not only about baby questions but about new life transitions-we found out we both love NYC bagels and such! She made us feel like family without ever leaving the room. She spent over an hour with us that first day and never once looked at her watch and thought she needed to be somewhere else. She made us feel like we were her only patients. It was truly an amazing experience. And every time since then our son has never blinked an eye or shed a tear when Dr. Anderson walks into the room-we have joked numerous times that she’s his Auntie Anderson. To me, that warms my heart because she’s not just a doctor, she is an extension of our family.

Mom - Bismarck, North Dakota