Telemedicine Services | Bismarck, ND

Telemedicine is when we utilize advances in technology such as phones, and video communication to exchange medical information from one site to another thus providing delivery of safe, efficient, accessible medical care leading to improved outcomes for patients. Telemedicine has become a significant and rapidly growing component of healthcare in the United States, and has emerged as an essential component of healthcare delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Prior to COVID -19

How typical is telemedicine?

Over half of all U.S. hospitals now use some form of telemedicine. Around the world, millions of patients use telemedicine to monitor their vital signs, remain healthy and out of hospitals and emergency rooms. Consumers and physicians download health and wellness applications for use on their cell phones. 

Is telemedicine safe?

Yes. Guided by technical standards and clinical practice guidelines, and backed by decades of research and demonstrations, telemedicine is a safe and cost-effective way to extend the delivery of health care.  (There are some limitations to telemedical care especially as it relates to surgical subspecialties, and focused physical exam findings.)

Telemedicine in the time of COVID-19

Telemedicine is rapidly taking the front stage as the preferred mode of care delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a way of providing safe, efficient, timely, health and wellness care, non-urgent medical care, and urgent medical triage to limit workforce exposures. Here at Nurturing Wellness, we are happy to be able to offer your child medical care when he/she needs it, in a care setting that does not increase infectious exposure to your child or your family.

Should you see your doctor or take kids to the pediatrician during the pandemic?

Spruce Telemedicine

Nurturing Wellness has partnered with Spruce Telemedicine to provide you with care that is high quality, HIPAA complaint, and conveniently in your home via video consultations. Click here to request an appointment.