Family Stories Can Help Kids Deal with Crisis

In this article from Futurity, the author explores research from the psychology department at Emory University that was gathered after 9/11. It explored coping in children and adolescents when families discussed emotions and coping through personal and generational storytelling. We know that children love stories and learn valuable lessons through them which is why we have books like Aesops Fables and myths and stories from many cultures and traditions from around the world. But imagine just how much more powerful the weight of that story is when it is about your family members, your ancestors, and you are physically carrying the strength of that legacy within you. The research reaffirms how many groups in history who have experienced hardships like famine, floods, the great depression, as well as more brutal atrocities like the holocaust and slavery have been able to, not only make it through, but emerge with the strength, perseverance, and resilience of their ancestors in challenging times. I honestly believe that this concept of historically grounded inspirational storytelling during times of crisis, can benefit all of us, not just our children. Click here to read the full article and be inspired to share more stories with your children starting today…

Dr. Anderson